Every night before we go to bed I watch some random film on Netflix with my dad. It’s been our tradition since I was little. He usually falls asleep half way through but I still enjoy that kind of peaceful time with him. Anyway last night while we were cuddling he got an erection. It was pretty obvious. Obviously I didn’t say anything and he didn’t either but it freaked me out a bit. Now I don’t know what to think. Should I be concerned or should I just ignore it and pretend it never happened? Idk why but I’m freaking out

  1. If he didn’t say anything I suggest that you try to ignore it as best as you can.

  2. How did he react when it happened? Did he roll away so it wasn’t touching you or as noticeable for you? Had he been drinking?

  3. I would say if it’s a one-time thing with no other weird instances that would point toward something more sinister, it might just be something completely involuntary and “innocent”. Male body can do that sometimes.

    However, if there’s any other incriminating hints, you should definitively bring your concerns to another adult and make sure to not let him approach you. This would however be a situation way above reddit pay grade.

  4. That’s a pretty darn uncomfortable situation. But benefit of the doubt, maybe he was thinking about his girlfriend, or a woman from the film, maybe he was in and out of dozing off a bit or it could have been a completely random unwanted erection which does happen for men of all ages.

    Unless it happens again I’d try to forget it,
    If it does happen a second time I’d make a point to switch seats.

  5. Guys can get hard for no reason at times, was he touching you? Were their girls on the movie? I dont think its something you should worry about unless theres more to unpack here

  6. The technical term is non-congruence and it is very common. Men get erections when not aroused and sometimes do not get erections when aroused. For women, they can get wet when not aroused and be aroused and not get wet.

    As men sometimes say, “It’s got a mind of its own.”

  7. As long as he wasn’t physically touching you weirdly or verbally indicating anything inappropriate there’s nothing you should be worried about.As a guy and for all guys It’s completely normal to have random boners at literally anything and not all the time it means something sexual. We can wake up in the morning with one or it can happen we get excited about something, or when we really need to use the toilet etc. All in all you should probably lay off on the cuddling and more on watching on separate seats.

  8. If he isn’t creepy around you, doesn’t mention anything sexual or make suggestions then I would chalk it up to a one off uncomfortable natural occurrence. Awkward for you both but they have a mind of their own.

  9. Dicks do that. Very often.

    On the sidewalk, at work, while driving, while hugging, while anythig. It’s like they got their own mind.

    If there’s no other red flags just ignore it. It means absolutely nothing.

  10. Well as a dad myself I can assure you he is more freaked out by it. I usually sleep naked. One time my kid went into our bed and I didn’t wake up. I woke up with my meat ready to get a beating and his feet were touching it. I felt like a pedo for weeks. Plus men get erections randomly. We can’t controll it.

    So long story short: If he didn’t do anything inappropriate just let it go. He is probably more embarrassed than you

  11. A few others have noted it, just be aware. Men don’t really control that, and it isn’t always a response to sexual arousal. We need sex Ed in this country…

    The penis in its erect form is actually in a state of rest, the muscles that typically restrict the blood flow that engorged the sponge like tissue can loosen especially at times of relaxation. Movies, laying down, gaming, these are all normal times to get a random erection. If he’s tired or half asleep that could very strongly “help” the muscles relax. That’s not including the myriad of hormonal and stress factors that do play into it.

    The big point of all this is, it most likely is nothing and means nothing. It’s awkward especially at your age, you can stress it if you’d like but it won’t do much beyond maybe initiating the highly anticipated birds and the bees talk.

  12. See I didn’t think there is something wrong in it ,every man has a that embarrassing moment in life where he got unlikely errection ,so from my pov just ignore it also as u mentioned u live with your dad only so if it was anything else than it wouldn’t take 15 years (😬) so just relax and chill

    Ya one Little thing is ,in any relationship of male and female a kind of a respective distance is compalsary at some age unless u r dating or husband wife so also start making that respective distance also (not sudden change but peacefully as u grown up )

  13. Very uncomfortable situation, but look, you obviously love your dad and hanging with him and he obviously loves hanging with you, if nothing has changed between you then it’s going to be just one of those things. I can tell you for fact as a man that “thoses” dame things have a mind of their own!! I’m 50 now and I’ve had a lifetime of embarrassing moments because of things popping up when not wanted… I’ll embarrasse myself here for the sake of your reassurance, a few months ago I was talking to a 80 something year old man just shooting the breeze when movement happened… No idea why! Sometimes it happens is all sweet

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