How does not being conventionally attractive affect your dating life?

  1. Villagers used to pelt me with vegetables . I started a farm with said veggies and have marked up my produce thanks to the recession . Now that I’m rich I have more girlfriends than Dan Blizerian

  2. I’m shy, but my looks won’t garner me a lot of female attention. So, what dating life? 😉

  3. My attractiveness isn’t the problem with my dating life. I’m not like crazy attractive at all. 6/10. I’m 1980’s Handsome. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what word would appropriately describe me. I’m not sexy, I’m not beautiful, I’m not ugly, I’m not cute or adorable. I fit into category of handsome. Maybe an obscure reference but handsome in the same way that Dave Stieb was. A mighty attractive man in the 1980’s.

    My problem is that I don’t form emotions very quickly and most people consider me to be distant emotionally. Autism is what is, it takes time for me to actively care about another person. Emotions do not come to me quickly.

  4. It’s affected it immensely, it’s meant that I don’t really have a dating life. I’ve never actually been on a date, still haven’t had my first kiss and obviously haven’t had sex. The reality is that for a physically unattractive guy like myself, relationships, love, intimacy or whatever aren’t really things u get to be part of…

    Overtime, I’ve learned that it’s best not expect it to happen and it’s best not to hold yourself to the same standards as others. While it doesn’t stop it from hurting any less when the inevitable rejection comes, not getting your hopes up or expecting a positive result is the best way to soften the blow!…

  5. It means I haven’t really had much of one. To the point I’ve just said, “fuck it!” If it happens yay but I’m not going to put any hope into it.

    I’m legally blind, on SSI (although job placement services is helping me 😀), an Aspie, and fat. So you can pretty much turn the whole “conventionally attractive” thing on its head and get me.

    Irony is I’m actually an awesome guy it’s just people don’t want to take the time to get past the outside.

  6. well I just try to be funny to offset that.

    i’m still single, so I guess I’m still working on the comedy angle

  7. It doesn’t. Being an unattractive guy I don’t have a dating life to worry about! 😅

  8. Considering that I think popularity is a double-edged trap, you can be sure that being average at best is excellent when you want to enjoy your privacy.

  9. I don’t have one and I don’t really care anymore, honestly. I’m tired of people in general and would rather just be happy by myself.

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