Tl;dr I need help figuring out how to continue with my relationship

Relationship troubles, Me 22m, partner 21f

So I’m gonna try and keep this short but basically I’m currently in a relationship of almost two years I’m still in love and definitely attracted to my partner but recently I’ve felt like I don’t want to be in a relationship at all but I’m conflicted because everytime I think about what it would be like after leaving it hurts, I also feel like if I was to leave, it would pretty much ruin her life she’s loving with me and has two jobs currently and then being her first ever jobs so she would most likely lose her jobs and would have to move back with her parents who are over an hour and a half away I feel terrible for feeling this way and I feel like she’s starting to notice I want to fix myself so I can stay with her but I’m not sure what’s the right choice

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