47F married with zero friends.
I have only ever had a few friends but none ever last.
My last ‘friend’ left because I simply could not do anything fun with her.
I have chronic illnesses and am in constant pain, some days I cannot get out of bed.
Obviously I’m not fun, I can’t do anything and I’m miserable to be around – I get it!
But having no friends at all is depressing.
I’m a good person, I have so much love to give.
I’m so grateful for my husband but I feel I need more.
I have some of his friends on my Instagram and I watch them living full lives and just feel sad. Nobody can relate to me.
In fact I am more relatable with my 85 year old mother in law.
They say they’re my friends too but when I post photos of my plants and animals I get no interaction.
I have joined Reddit in the hope of having interaction with humans (that are not my medical team).
I hope to chat with some of you eventually 😊

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