Did I make the right decision?

So I met a beautiful girl online some time back. We really hit it off and she was pretty, smart and very caring.

We were talking for hours every day, chatting and calling late in the evening to the point that both of our sleep schedules were messed up.

The first red flag was that barely in 2 weeks of being friends, she saw that I had a spare second Laptop and asked me if I can send it to her. I didn’t really need it but I ignored it as I didn’t know her well.

I think I messed up where I flaunted my wealth to her and that’s when the problem started.

She started to become a little demanding and told me that just because she’s pretty, guys have flown her out to vacations with her (no sex, idk acc to her) and that she deserved it because she brings all this value to their lives.

I had an issue with that because I’m mid 20s and have a business and earn good money. I’m at a stage that I’m looking for a reliable relationship as this whole loneliness is effecting my life and busienss.

So naturally, I wasn’t comfortable considering making anything serious with a girl that literally any guy can fly out.

We had some arguments on it and I told her that I find that very odd, but we still kept in touch and it was all good.

Few days later, she tells me to fly her out and sponsor her and keep her at my place for 2 weeks.

Now, financially that won’t be an issue for me at all but I took so much offence to this because that should that she didn’t see me as an equal. My understanding is that if she had liked me the way I liked her, she would have either invited me to visit her or picked up a third country where we could be met and paid for her trip by herself.

Had I been looking for fuckbuddy, I would do it instantly but I feel that I’m at a stage in my life and business that I want someone that I can confide in and that someone that loves me for me and not solely my money.

Oh and she made it very clear that she’s single but won’t be dating in 2024 as she needs to complete her degree and figure out a job.

The next day I called her and told her that we’re different people and at different stages at our lives. Where I’m looking for something that can lead to a relationship, she’s looking for someone to spoil her just because she’s pretty.

Now that I think about it, it’s kind of sad because had it worked out, I would have done everything for her, but unfortunately, it wants meant to happen and I see it as god teaching me a lesson on what type of woman I need in my life.

Still makes me wonder if she acted this way because I may have told her that I’m successful which is totally my fault.

I just can’t help but think how it would have unfolded had I acted poor and then she would have liked me for who I am.

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