here’s the short of it: i’ve always had at least one friend but i’ve never socialized freely outside of friends/family. won’t get into reasons but i feel very uncomfortable in the eyes of people- have a difficult time simply transitioning my gaze on and off of people and don’t know what to do with my eyes in idle situations. logically i have no second thoughts and am not scared at the prospect of conversation at all, but once i begin to overthink i can’t be calm b/c i’ve barely socialized my WHOLE life. i know given the proper environment i can overcome this simply by willing myself through, but muscle memory has been taking over and i tense up before i can focus and glare at people like a serial killer. where should i go to not embarrass myself completely but can be open enough to face things like rejection, gain experience and learn to not care? other than listening actively and trying to be genuinely interested, what other aspects of conversations/people should i focus on to feel comfortable?

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