I’ll start. Mine is Owen Wilson. I honestly just can’t stand the guy. I feel like he is a one trick pony (always plays the douchey idiot), and he’s really just not that funny. It feels like Hollywood tried convincing us all that he was funny for a long time by giving him leading roles in movies that are supposed to be funny, but at the end of it all, I feel like I am just being force-fed more Owen Wilson. Your turns.

  1. I liked him in the Loki series. Can’t say I have a least favorite actor, but I was getting burnt out seeing Dwayne Johnson movies.

  2. Nicholas Cage. He should’ve quit before he started. The only 2 movies I thought he played well are Gone in 60 seconds (and he was just okay for that) and City of Angels because that movie allowed him to say his lines like he had no clue what was going on.

    Outside of that he’s horrible.

  3. I wouldn’t say least favorite but Giancarlo Esposito is starting to wear on me. Idk why Hollywood is just picking him to play every single bad guy. He is the same in each one also.

  4. Will Farrell. Whenever I see him as an actor, I want to punch him in the face. His stuff is just so dumb. It grates on my nerves. And he’s super popular! I have no idea why!

  5. Adam Sandler. Every single character is exactly the same. And they’re all terrible.

  6. Adrien Brody and Shia LeBeouf

    I can’t put my finger on why. I just really do not like either of them.

  7. Adam Sandler. Early on, cool, he has some good movies. You may even find some post big daddy, but I feel like after that movie, his gimmick is *meh.*

  8. I can’t do any more Adam Sandler movies. It’s the same movie every time, and he’s the same screw-up in all of them.

  9. He’s probably a good guy in actual life, but I can’t abide anything with Jude Law. He just registers as ‘smarmy entitled dick’ in…anything.

    Though I minded less in ‘Gattaca’ and ‘Captain Marvel’ because he was actively playing characters that were smarmy entitled dicks.

  10. Keanu Reeves.

    Don’t get me wrong, he’s an amazing person, but I can’t stand his acting at all.

  11. Steve Carell. It’s like he only has one talent and that’s being awkward.

  12. Adam Sandler. And Jim Carrey. I just don’t find them entertaining, although I respect the careers they’ve made for themselves.

  13. Paul Rudd. Always plays the same guy. There are thousands of actors just as good-looking in Hollywood, but they aren’t friends with Judd Apatow.

  14. The fat guy from the Hangover who tries to be Jon Belushi. Can’t stand him.

  15. I don’t know about least favorite, but I’m extremely sick of Seth Rogan. Stoner humor is pretty low-hanging fruit, and it’s apparent from all the interviews I’ve seen that he’s exactly the same in real life as in his movies. And him turning Kevin Smith into a stoner really sped up the decline in the quality of Smith’s movies.

  16. Adam Beach.

    He’s an Indigenous actor from Canada and he blew up on the hollywood scene because he was the only Indigenous actor for a long time.

    I’m Indigenous as well, I’m First Nation. Honestly – his acting sucks. I understand the recognition he has and how he got it, but honestly, he is not a good actor. His voice is so monotone it’s so boring. I can’t stand his acting.

    I know some people that have met him and they all say he’s snobby. I believe it. He sucks.

  17. Will Farrell. I just don’t think hes remotely funny and I can’t stand his movies.

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