Been in my company for 3 years. It’s a great place to work at, the job is pretty easy, got great colleagues. Most days I can decide to work remote or office and I could be spending hours browsing reddit doing whatever I want and just check in for monthly meetings and stuff.

The thing is, I got overly comfortable and at my age I feel I should really be looking for a better paying job and career progression. Currently my wages are slightly below the average benchmark and fresh college graduates are probably getting paid more, and I’ve already been in similar roles for 5 years and may get pigeonholed if I don’t move up. I don’t see a future for me in the company, asked for a larger raise, a promotion, another role within the organization; I got none except for a paltry 3% raise. Pretty sure I’m still the lowest paid in the whole organisation by a wide margin.

Now any sane person would probably leave, but I’ve had anxiety issues and severe insomnia in the past in other jobs that seriously hampered my well-being, that all went away when I started working here. It felt like I was actually enjoying life for once. I’m not really sure if I want to throw that all away, still I’ve been applying for jobs half-hardheartedly but never seriously try for interviews. I truly believe it’s going to be much harder finding an environment and people that could match this.

Also I got night school that will push my graduation back to the end of the year, and I’m not sure if I should hop now and risk fighting fire on two fronts. Would like to hear your views.

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