In short, I’ve got two crushes that are both in my 4th period math class. I like both of them and find them both attractive and nice. Today I found out one of my crushes likes me based off my friend who showed me some messages and stuff. I am pretty sure she likes me as well as my other crush based off what she’s been doing.

I am still trying to get to know them better and talk to them more. But I don’t really know what I should do in this situation. I don’t want to make them jealous, or dismiss their feelings if they actually like me.

Should I still act the way I am usually with them? How do I respectfully and kindly reject their feelings if I end up being with one? And should I give them space before being very friendly again with them if I end up being with one?

  1. That jsut shows hoe you have 0 crushes. You just are horny bro. Dont let that shit confuse you.

  2. If you know one or both of them likes you, best not to let them compete. As you will lose both in the end. If you know with a high certainty that the one likes you more over the other then go for it. If the one gets jealous that you chose another over them, then say you asked them first but it wasn’t reciprocated. And lastly. Remember that looks only matters up to a point. No need to go with the supermodel if she treats you like trash. Know when enough is enough

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