I messed up with this girl I was dating, she told me not to speak with her again and blocked me.
Saw her the next day at the pub, glanced at each other a few times but didn’t speak. To my surprise got unblocked when I arrived home.
Apologized to her the next day but got a “won’t make a difference” reply.
Went to the pub again yesterday, she was there, came over and sat next to me speaking casually.
Messaged her after the pub, got “won’t give you a second chance”.

I’m confused.

Edit: guys from reddit don’t seem to be on the same page.

  1. Go to the same pub with ANOTHER girl, while your ex (or whatever) is there … And have a really genuinely good time…. But… No PHYSICAL CONTACT (especially NO Kissing.. )

    COME back here with results ok…

  2. Good lord this isn’t complicated.

    In Regency Era England, the “cut direct” is the equivalent of blocking on social media. At the pub, the cut direct would have been looking you dead in the eye and pretending you’re not there. In today’s terms, that’s “you’re dead to me.”

    But, your breakup wasn’t actually serious enough for a public shunning “you’re dead to me” so she backed tracked to be more kind about the situation. “We’re not friends, but I acknowledge that you exist.”

    Here’s more information about Regency Era cuts because they totally still happen today. https://regrom.com/2012/04/06/regency-customs-the-cut

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