just looking for some feedback on your perspective with this situation.

I’ve had a guy for about five years on my insta. He’s not from my city but one within about a five hour driving distance. he’s slid into my DMs a few times over the years but it was nothing substantial and never went anywhere.

fast forward, he recently messaged me and stated that he’s in my city and what’s to go out. I meet him for lunch. Lunch turned into meeting his friend and his girlfriend and doing an activity. Then he came over because he didn’t want the day to end and stated that he didn’t think he would like me as much as he did. we didn’t have sex (because I stated that I didn’t want to on a first date and then later changed my mind but he followed through with my initial request) but did everything else and then left to go to his hotel. We spent about 12 hours together on a first date. It was fun.

When he was leaving he said he’d hit me up if he was in the city again. I sent him a thank you message for the day and for fixing things around my place. and he said he also had fun and thank you.

31F, 37M

I’m definitely over thinking this. But writing this out may have given me some clarity. I’m not sure how to feel it’s not like I felt like this was my husband right off the bat because I believe you need to experience a person in different states and get to know them to truly feel that way. I just think it’s a bit weird that we spent so much time together and to get a “I’ll hit u up when I’m in the city again” statement when he was leaving and not a “I really enjoyed our time together and I’d wanna see you again”. I guess he was bored and I was great company for the day? he’s stated that he has done long distance relationships before and it’s not that I expected that. I really had no expectations just going to meet someone new but I feel a bit off about the situation. it was just very odd for me to feel so relaxed around someone for once when I’m a pretty anxious person. The chemistry wasn’t as high as other first dates but it had potential to grow so maybe that was it? I don’t wanna say I feel used because that’s not right maybe more taken for granted?

Can a man please tell me like it is from their perspective? Or have any women experienced a similar situation?

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