I (M17) am in my last year of high school, and have been studying at my current school since eighth grade. Talking to two friends (F18, F18) the conversation turned to our colleagues, and I asked if they have any idea why no one talks to me and explicitly ignores me (I gave up posting anything in the class group a while ago, because no one ever responds to me).

They told me that the reason is because I’m different, and essentially I don’t have much to do with anyone there. My hobbies are very different, I speak in a very different way, I have a very different laugh, the teachers like me a lot, etc.

But another thing they said is that almost the entire class made fun of me all these years and I never noticed, and they do this precisely because I don’t understand irony often, even the explicit, and I can’t see evil in people’s actions many times. They gave me several examples of how they were laughing at me, mocking me, and asking questions about my life to have material to humiliate me. And I never noticed. In fact, I thought I was being funny, or else they were taking an interest in my life.

I don’t know whether to be happy that I never realized or whether to be shocked. Has anyone else gone through this?

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