I’m 22(m). I’ve done a lot for my age and it took me a long time to get myself to acknowledge that and congratulate myself on the things I’ve done up to this point. However, it’s because I’ve worked SO hard to get to where am I that I’m just completely exhausted and somewhat unmotivated. It’s getting to be all the time.

I have a few hobbies and I take care of myself, but even those things are getting harder to keep up with. I’m constantly changing and figuring out how to carry myself as a man as I move into grad school & eventually medicine. I’m set up and I’ve done everything I needed to. All I need to do is keep walking, but I can’t seem to just put my head back into it & move on like I normally can.

Is it burnout? I enjoy what I’m doing and the field I’m going into, but I don’t know how get out of it. It’s been about 5 months of this. I’m getting kind of worried

Note: I’ve posted this to r/AskDad too, but I wasn’t sure if I would get any responses so I wanted to ask here as well. I also did have any male figures so there’s a good amount of things I’m figuring out

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