TD;LR I (18F) have been arguing with my boyfriend (19M) about this double standard.

i’ve been with my boyfriend for over two years now and he’s been working for most of our relationship so our dates and spending time together would usually be on his time. now that I’m working a corporate job Monday to Friday in the city. I don’t get to see him very often at all, in fact I haven’t seen him for a few weeks due to our schedules.

I’ve brought this issue to him in that he likes to go out every weekend with his friends until the early hours and I’ve said could you cut back on going out as much so we can spend time together and he thinks that’s an unfair ask as he doesn’t see them often bear in mind he sees them every week lol.

he thinks it’s controlling of me to ask him to give up going out but I just don’t see how a relationship can be healthy if we don’t see each other as often as possible.

FYI. I become a homebody since the start of this relationship, which I know he greatly appreciates.

Any advice?
I know he loves me and has done a lot but rn i don’t feel like a priority

1 comment
  1. I hear your pain and understand him to a certain extent. Though I would usually put effort into it, I often find myself the only one doing such. Though I suppose, in a traditional sense, it is up to the man to plan outings.

    Do you think he would reciprocate if you were the ones to plan outings? While giving him space as well.

    You might need to take the reigns on something like that. Like, say, you would like a romantic dinner for him to appreciate him as a partner. He might be convinced to stay for such weekly endeavours. And might even return the romance.

    Respark that fire.

    If that doesn’t work… it might be time to move on?

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