TLDR: I broke my fiancés trust and am seeking advice on how to try and rebuild that trust.

I (26M) made a mistake in my relationship with my Fiance (27F). I broke her trust (didn’t cheat) and I know I made a mistake. I will own up to it and admit that. I wanted to know if there’s any advice someone could give to try to earn her trust back? I asked her if there was anything I could do and she has told me she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know if she can trust me anymore and I understand that. I was just wondering if anyone has had issues with their partner in their relationship breaking trust and successfully gaining the trust back and having a healthy relationship afterward? I know it’ll be a lot of work and patience on my end and I’m willing to do the work and have the patience. I just don’t know where to start. We’ve been together a year and a half and I’ve never felt so happy and at home/peaceful with someone. I feel I can truly be myself with her and I’ve never felt that way before. I know she’s my person and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I wish I could take everything back. She’s worth fighting for and more and I just need some helpful advice if anyone has some to give. I was thinking about asking her if we could start over taking baby steps. Slowly hanging out again with no pressure to be anything. Just enjoy each others company like we used to. Maybe go on a date once a week? Take our dogs on walks together. Little things to try to earn her trust back again (of course at her pace) Thank you.

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