2 weeks ago, my sister Indy took her own life. No letter, no call. She ended it.

Her partner called me, and I went to help figure stuff out.

Indy had not talked to our parents in over 10 years. We did keep in good contact.

My parents are kind of awful. But everyone loves them. Indy moved when she was 18, and I left to my aunts house when I was 17.

My sister cut our parents’ patents off. It was because they hated her partner and the fact that both of them are women. They tried to basically kidnap Indy and told her they wouldn’t let her out unless she didn’t agree to move back and marry a godly man.

I tried calling the police but my father caught me. Eventually, they did come, tho, but determined it was a family squabble and escorted indy out.

They told everyone a wieder tale that never happened and included Indu punching our moms head repeatedly. My father called her uni to say she had sonone wrote her papers for her and was put on academic probation.

That time was horrible for her. I always tried to warn her about our parents’ next step, but nothing helped.

My mother tanked her credit and kept harassing Indy.

Eventually, they moved. But Indy was always paranoid and never was able to find peace, so she ended it.

Now… I am at her place, going through stuff, and I find her phone and a flash in her work bag.

Going through it, there are recordings, videos, and other proof of our parents’ abusive behavior.

I really don’t know what to do with this.

Destroy it? Show it to her partner? Expose my parents?

Idk I am so numb

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