I could really use some advice on my current situation. I’ve been seeing this amazing guy for the past 5 months. We talk literally every day, have incredible dates filled with passion and chemistry, and everything just clicks when we’re together. The catch is that he’s in the military, so we live in different states. Despite the distance, he’s been great at staying in touch regularly. However, as of this past week, communication has been sparse. We will check in but it’s so/so. This has happened before where I asked if everything is ok? And he said that everything was fine he just gets busy or won’t have something interesting to discuss, so would rather not say anything. But to me, it’s like, communicate that with me so I know to give you the space so I don’t overthink.

Here’s where things get a bit complicated: he was previously engaged and is understandably cautious about rushing into a new relationship. He has expressed that he’s looking for a lifelong partner, and while he says I tick all the boxes for him, he’s still unsure about his thoughts/feelings. He mentioned that typically he would have figured things out by now, but this time it’s different for him.

As an officer, he has a busy and structured life, and his ambition is evident in his work. I recently asked him about the direction of our relationship, and he admitted that he needs more time to sort out his thoughts and emotions. This has left me feeling uncertain and wondering if I’m not worth it, despite the magic/passion we experience when we’re together.

I’ve developed strong feelings for him, and I’m torn about what to do next. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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