I f21, was talking to this guy, we’ll call him “josh”, M20, for about 6 months. Our personalities got along very well, but things ended on a good note. I am now talking to a guy, we’ll call him “ethan”, M20, for about 5/6 months now, super nice guy, i enjoy spending time with him.

I for whatever reason feel unfulfilled by ethan… I don’t know why i expect more from him than i did with josh. and it’s not purposely either…

here are some examples:

josh never gave me flowers.
ethan has given me flowers 2 times so far, but i expect more.
i didn’t mind josh never getting me flowers, but i now expect ethan to get me flowers occasionally

josh was always busy and we only saw each other once a week for a few hours.
ethan & I are both very busy, and we only see each other about once/twice a week for a few hours, yet i expect us to hangout more.
i didn’t mind josh being busy, but i now expect ethan to be more consistent with our hangouts

is this me subconsciously raising my standards, or am i looking for something to nitpick about ethan (i tend to self sabotage when things are going really well)

i don’t get why whatever ethan does feels like it isn’t enough, even though he’s doing way more than what josh has done. i truly appreciate ethan’s efforts and i do like him, which is why im confused why i feel like i expect more.

am i just looking for something to complain about? i haven’t brought any of this up to ethan because i truly think he’s doing a good job, this is more on my end of things.

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