What the title says!! My (15F) friends all have particularly strong political leanings and so does my family (they’re entirely opposite though, yikes) but I just can’t seem to choose a side (they all suck imo!!) They don’t pressurise me too much about it. But one day, I opened up Insta to find out that one of my friends left my friend group bc of a very rude opening \[“man some people should learn how to stop being a pickme…” “who??” “🤣🤣🤣”\] and a lot of accusations of her forcing people to act how she wanted \[she told someone to shut up in front of a guy they never knew, she accidentally gave someone a lot of body issues, she went all self deprecating when they brought this up\]. I was hesitant about having to choose a side bc they’re all my friends and I think the thing they’re fighting over will pass if they just let her self reflect + I felt the opening was a bit harsh. They think I’m an awful person for not siding with them immediately, and one of them pointed out that I was a coward for not picking sides and that I had a major saviour complex like I was some kind of hero. I eventually just agreed with them, but not because I actually think my friend is bad yk?? I just didn’t want to hear any more accusations. AITA? (sorry if this makes no sense, I’m very distressed and not a native speaker)

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