So my gf and I have been together for 8 months, she has two kids who I adore and care about, even love. We had chatted about the possibility of living together, I mean obviously, that’s the end goal of course. To live happily ever after right? Well I am in the process of moving out of my current place with a roommate and into my own spot, 2 bedroom and everything so her and the kids can come and stay whenever and all that. We haven’t really ever stayed with each other for more than 1 night or a couple hours when we do see each other. She dropped the question about moving in with me into the new spot all together and I hesitated, in my eyes, I want to work into living with them, not just all of sudden make the move, my fear is that if we rush this, it may not work out, idk I’m scared to lose her and the kids. She says that since I have doubts that she can’t trust me and feels like she is wasting time waiting for me to be committed. Mind you I have put them first since we started dating, I have called our of work to watch the kids when she couldn’t find anybody else to, I come down to her and them when one of them is sick. I look out for them and care tremendously about them. Deep down, I ultimately want to live with them and have a life with them. I don’t know how to save this or make this better right now, I am very confused on what to do wether I tell her to just do move in or what? Any advice on this?

Tl;dr my gf asked me to move in with her and I hesitated because it’s a huge step

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