My boyfriend and I were recently having problems. He was away from home for work for a couple of months and a little bit beforehand. Things were very tense with us and we have had a lot of communication issues. He’s the kind of person that keeps everything inside and gets defensive when you approach him with anything, which just led to me holding things in, etc.

We live together and last week be said he doesn’t love me anymore and doesn’t see a future with me. He said we had been having issues and he definitely had concocted this vision of me in his head and I communicated open and clearly that day about how he was portraying me vs how things are and how I’d love them to be. I think he just had a very negative vision of me as a person and I’ve been doing everything lately even before this to show him (and just because it’s just me lol) that I’m the person I’ve been for years before we started having these issues.

Long story short, for the past week and a half we have been getting along better than ever. We sleep in separate rooms right now and I’m looking for a place but we’ve been communicating better, spending time hanging out at the house, he’s been helping with some cooking and cleaning (that was always a huge issue, I work full time and did everything while he just worked FT and then spent weekends doing whatever and I was burnt out and felt like a shell of a person). We’ve been genuinely so much more like the people we were before the issues but we have been really getting along. Is there any way this could mean we could work out..? We’ve been so good and I just know that with having talked about stuff and how he reaches out first to me a lot of the time and all..

Idk. I love him and I don’t want to lose all we’ve had for all these years.. do you think sometimes it just takes something like this to make people wake up and see what’s in front of them? We’ve got a great life and nothing we couldn’t work through and I just want him to see that. Is there a way I should approach this..? Or just give it time?

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