I met a girl from Mexico city in December, 2022. We hit it off and our values definitely aligned. I finally made the decision to go and see her for the month of July, 2023, during that time we made it official. I went back home to the states for a bit afterwards and went back to see her for the month of September, during that time we decided we didn’t want to be apart. Shortly after going back home I made the decision the move out of country to be with her by the end of the year. My father had a heart attack which delayed my move by a month.

During the time before I moved in end of Oct and most of November she started acting a bit strange (going out more than usual, getting dressed up and staying out late) I didn’t think much of it and I didn’t want her to be bored at home while she waited for me. Eventually I moved in. about 2 weeks into being here I noticed she was writing stuff in her daily planner/notebook I came up behind her and noticed that she had written a little message about a guy in there dated Oct, 29, 2023, it had hearts all over it. I naturally got a bit suspicious and looked at her pictures on her tablet from that date (before you say I invaded privacy we agreed to look at each others stuff since we have nothing to hide) I noticed 4 screenshot messages from this restaurant owner, they were sleeping with each other during that time. She was staying over at his house and he was coming over here to where I now live.

Do I just confront her about it? or just leave? this has definitely complicated my life.

TLDR – I moved out of country to be with a girl and found out she cheated after I moved in. Do I leave her?

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