What brings you the most inner comfort, what gets you going or just lets your heart jump?

  1. Rubbing my thighs, or when they just grab my hand. Just makes it feel so emotionally intimate.

    Or when facing each other, and you rest your foreheads together. You just feel connected.

  2. I love when he nuzzles my neck or kisses my forehead.

    I love when he puts his hand on my waist when I’m lying on my side with my head on his chest and his arm around me.

    I love when our legs get all locked and tangled together.

    I love when he buries his face in my chest and hugs me close and I can play with his hair while he falls asleep.

    I love when we spoon, and his uses the arm around my waist to pull me closer instead of scooching up himself.

    I love when he comes looking for my hand so we can lace our fingers together.

  3. I’ve been a fan of them stroking my arms or hair. But if it happens to be post sex and clothes are still off, I’ve noticed I really like it when they caress my boobs or even my belly button

  4. If you haven’t done it I totally recommend it, but someone brushing the back of their hand up and down your arm is so calming and relaxing.

  5. Petting my head/hair if that makes sense? Haha, like scratching your fingers through my hair, literally makes me melt

  6. When he rubs my stomach and traces my stretch marks, it feels so good and it’s wholesome 🥺

  7. Gentle back and tummy rubs always bring me comfort. Not going to lie I’m a sucker for hand massages though.

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