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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. A few years ago, I learned that there’s beaches on the Great Lakes people go to; it seems rather cold up there for that. Is the North Sea suitable for swimming?

  2. Speaking of swimming, I have been increasing my swimming time five minutes or so every day. Cold water is so refreshing. But it’s definitely not beach season yet. 

    I am so happy that there’s significant increase in the number of female leaders in the last election. I am also happy that many are young women. Seeing these women determined to work hard and make things better makes me very proud. 

    I have always been curious about American movies where people refuse to talk to police and wanting to “call their lawyer”. Why would anyone have a lawyer if they’re not actively involved in a court case? In Turkey either people you know or the State would find you a lawyer. 

    Do you guys have a lawyer? Is it just me? What does it even mean to have a lawyer?

  3. What’s the most bizarre news article title you’ve come across recently? I came across “Forging of a Princess: How generations of steely social-climbing matriarchs shaped Kate Middleton’s character” in the “Femail” (WTF is with that) section of the daily mail. My mind was completely bleached by the contents of said article.

    link: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1377487/Kate-Middletons-character-shaped-generations-social-climbing-matriarchs.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1377487/Kate-Middletons-character-shaped-generations-social-climbing-matriarchs.html)

  4. It’s such a shame that using solar power to generate electricity isn’t more widespread in Turkey. A ton of people have beach houses whose roofs have direct sunlight 8 months a year at least. It would be so beneficial even to cover the consumption through AC and other appliances. But solar panels are very expensive, there is no government subsidy as far as I know and there’s little incentive and information. People do use it for hot water sometimes, though, so at least that’s something. 

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