I’m 19 and in college, and I’ve got a group of about 6 friends, as well as a sort of girlfriend and a few less serious friends. I don’t like having friends. I don’t like dealing with people and I want to be able to do whatever I want without taking other people’s opinions into account (obviously respecting other people, but doing whatever I want for the day). I just want to be completely alone. Any tips for cutting your friends off? Thanks!

  1. If I may ask, how did you meet/become their friend? I know this isn’t an answer to your question but I’m just curious because I’m too nervous to actually talk to anybody

  2. If they are your friends and you need time/space to be alone just say so they should understand or if you are non-confrontational like me. I just will ignore everyone until I feel like socializing again. My friends understand and welcome me back as if nothing ever happened.

    Because I too like my own company and doing whatever I want without having to worry about someone else’s opinion for a while. Its also draining to be around ppl and I like being alone to recharge.

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