What are the little things that you love in daily life?

  1. Hot tea. Having chopped up produce in containers in my fridge. Getting into bed.

  2. Listening to podcasts on my walk to work in the mornings and playing vidya with my friends on the evenings. It makes the middle part of the days more bearable.

  3. The smell of my cupboard that holds the coffee supplies. It’s quite different from just smelling the coffee.

    Sliding into a bed that has been newly made with clean bedding. The tautness of the tucked in sheets.

    Watching the leaves on my houseplant unfurl.

  4. Opening the door to my place and getting the feeling like I’m at home.


  5. Starting a new book. Being able to drink my coffee on the porch while I watch the birds. Waking up to find my cat cuddled up next to me.

  6. compliments. when people smile at me. when people come up to me and start a conversation.

  7. That first sip of coffee in the morning. Cold shower on a hot day. A simple hello from a friend. Quiet time meditating. Running at the park. Good convos. Music. A warm bed.

  8. Sunny days / fresh pastries / fancy coffee / ticking off all my jobs / fresh bedding / morning swim

  9. Clean sheets. Getting up early and having that first coffee in peace and quiet. A hot shower. A long walk on a forest trail.

  10. My bed, it’s so warm and comfy! Soft blankets and pillows, an occasional cat smuggler…

  11. I live near a stretch of water so just going for walks around there on my own, taking everything in. Gives me my own little peace. So tranquil

  12. Having tea in bed with husband and doggo each morning. Bring the cups back to bed on a tray, open the windows, and watch the morning wake. Even if we’re up and about, we’re together on the front porch watching the sunrise.


    Sunset at the oasis, which is what we’ve started calling sitting under the trees and watching the sunset. The birds and bunnies bounce in the high grass and wildflowers and it’s just incredibly relaxing. This was last night’s… https://imgur.com/DG2IOsT

  13. The first sip of tea in the morning with the hot sting of the ceramic in my hands.

  14. coffee in the morning, reading a book on the couch after work, singing along to songs while driving

  15. I take nuts in to work because I park next to a tree with a squirrel in and try and have a chat with him before I go in 😂. Getting a Starbucks on meeting day. Cooking new recipes with my partner. Gardening and growing veg. Reading to my son at bedtime.

  16. That first moment when I wake up from sleeping and it hits me that it’s a new day – I’ve been blessed with another day of life – full of potential to learn, to see, to feel, to experience. Making my bed. Putting on my clothes and doing my makeup. Short random moments/convos/smiles shared with strangers on my commute, warm cups of tea and coffee, listening to birds singing, seeing bees and butterflies dancing around flowers, hearing my loved one’s voices. Laughing at silly memes and videos. Taking off my makeup, and changing into comfy clothes at night, saying my prayers to God and the hope I feel just before I fall asleep, that I’ll have another chance to do it all again tomorrow.

  17. – Waking up and having a cozy little snuggle session with my partner. Him making coffee before I even get out of bed.

    – The smell of a baby after a bath and how they just melt into you and fall asleep on your shoulder when they get tired.

    – Pulling a new recipe out of the oven and seeing that it turned out perfectly, and looks exactly like the photos.

    – Biking. I only just started getting into this, it makes me feel like a kid again… especially when my mission is to get ice cream from across town.

    – The sound of rain, especially heavy rain… i associate it with ‘washing clean’… which hopefully isn’t a side effect of my deeply religious and restrictive upbringing… but i just love the way that things smell afterwards and how everything just feels ‘new’.

    – A perfectly ripe avocado

    – Mini eggs. I’m addicted.

  18. When the persons i love start singing because they feel comfortable around me even though they are not good at singing

  19. A hug, from my son, my bf or even the dog it’s instant joy got me! Bf is coming home after a month in his home country next week and honestly I just want a big ever lasting hug.

  20. My daily walk to the park and just swinging there. It’s so quiet and lovely

  21. I’m pregnant with twins atm and the size of a house. At the end of the day getting undressed and letting my bump out is the best feeling ever. Feeling like I can breathe. Biggest dopamine hit ever.

  22. Being in the countryside, my first cup of tea with oat milk, being with my animals, my garden, going for walks in the rain, great conversations with the people I love and when I get groceries and have a fully stocked/organised kitchen. Can’t forget yoga with Adriene 😁

  23. My boyfriend works nigh shifts while I work early mornings, so coming home and just flopping into bed with him. I basically nap with him through the rest of his sleeping time and it’s absolute bliss

  24. When my husband holds my hand. Wandering my garden and pulling a weed here and there. When my kid says “I love you Mommy”.

  25. Seeing doggos walking by, getting into bed all showered and moisturized, morning coffee, when someone says hi to me while passing me,

  26. When I get home from work and my two year old smiles and says, “mama!”

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