LDR: So my boyfriend is going through a stressful time now as this is the last semester of his degree (he has like 11 exams in 6 weeks).

I have been trying my best to show support despite being distanced, but I wanted to also arrange a summer trip together after his exams.

However, whenever I bring up the subject he basically shuts me down saying ‘ I do not want to discuss this now, lets wait for my exams to be over’ is like he gets easily overwhelmed when talking about future plans such as a simple vacation?

Which I have accepted, but also feel as though is selfish.
Prices will go quite high once he is done, and I would at least like a confirmation that it will happen or that he wants it to happen. I tried to discuss this and he became rude after I explained to him that I would like to travel and prepare myself for it, and that I would do it (alone or with friends) as there is no confirmation from him. I stated he is the priority but that he is clearly not making me feel like his priority.

I did not want to discuss dates or specifics, simply reassurance that this is also something he wishes to do.

He seemed to get upset about this and said ‘ok I do not want to travel with you, full stop’

It seems like I am the only one who needs to understand his side but he cannot do the same. Am I being unreasonable?

1 comment
  1. He’s told you several times he doesn’t want to discuss it at this moment and it seems that you keep pushing the issue. If you’d like to travel then set up the trip for yourself and your friends as you have said. He can sort out his part of it if he’d like to when exams are over.

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