What’s the most important thing to teach our daughters?

  1. One no is enough before you throw hands.

    No negotiations required.

    Your body your rules.

  2. when we’re older we may feel like we need a man to complete ourselves, but at the end of the day all you have is yourself so you gotta love yourself like you’d love that man bc nobody’s worth more than yourself

  3. As children, if a boy is mean to you and picks on you, it doesn’t mean “aww he likes you.” We should stop normalizing boys showing affection with violence.

  4. You are the only person who has your best interests at heart, and you are the only person who will always be in your life. Treat yourself accordingly.

  5. “You are enough. You don’t need a partner or children. Have those things if you want them, not because you think you have to.”

  6. Focus on becoming independent and self sufficient. Make a life for yourself with a good job, a home, friends and hobbies. If you meet a good partner, great. But if you don’t, you will be just fine.

  7. There wasn’t one thing. It was a series of lessons on being independent. Here are some of them…


    You are complete unto yourself.

    It’s not bragging if you’re really that good.

    Your worth is greater and more valuable than their opinion.

    Trust, but verify.

    When in doubt, don’t.

    No means no.

    Never give an aggressor the benefit of the doubt.

  8. These are from my dad:

    If you are driving your car and you get a flat tire in a dark street, keep driving. Do not stop, do not get out of the car, keep driving.

    Fight your own fights but make sure you have backup.

    Your friends are family you can choose, choose wisely.

    If someone is making you feel bad, send them to hell.

    From my mom:

    Always carry enough cash to get a cab home.

    Always tell people where you are going. At least one person should know where you are at and with whom.

    Being pretty and fit is good, being smart and gentle is better.

    Do not compare to others, life would be boring if we were all the same.

  9. Don’t waist to many chances to the same person

    Independence. Of all kinds as soon as possible as long as possible

    Be careful who you trust

  10. Dating, motherhood, and a lot of other things are OPTIONAL.

    You don’t have to give up your dreams, and you don’t have to compromise your integrity either. You can simply choose to opt out.

  11. We might need to teach them how to use guns because by the time they are grown up, women rights will be completely gone.

  12. never settle for less, that having a voice and standing up for yourself is and will always be important no matter how uncomfortable it makes people feel, to always do things for others but not at the cost of your own morals and values, boundaries are a must

  13. “Majority of times, that little voice in your head telling you stuff is right, so don’t ignore it. Also, always put your priorities, dreams and yourself before any relationship.”

  14. You don’t owe anyone anything: your time, your body, your smile.

    Having sex does not make you ‘less’ as a person.

    When you apply for a job, look at how the men dress, behave, and the jobs they’re doing vs the women. Is it the same? If not, that job will likely not pay you your worth.

  15. Being strong 💪
    Being independent
    Never beg for someone’s love, ever

  16. Consent and boundaries.

    Despite our continued efforts as mothers of daughters to tell mothers of sons especially to teach them about consent and boundaries they’re not doing it.

    We need to continue to teach our daughters to stand firm and protect themselves from mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

    We need to teach them about self-worthiness and self-confidence and self-awareness so they can see the flags of someone who’s trying to abuse them.

    And this does not go only for daughters. As a mother of a son and a daughter I am teaching them both about this so my son and daughter will grow up to respect themselves first and then their partners and friends.

    It’s vital that all genders including those non-binary learn this.

  17. Something I wish my mom had taught me growing up is to be confident enough to always defend myself and use my voice. Don’t let other people influence you into thinking you are below them, you should never be ashamed of showing the world who you are.

  18. Be good with money. Don’t depend on someone else financially. Having a partner to share life with is awesome but choose wisely, better alone than in bad company. Also self defense.

  19. Become a witch, burn the patriarchy, save the bees and bats (respect animals and nature), eat the rich, never litter. Also regular stuff everyone should know, cooking, cleaning, changing tires, basic carpentry/proper tool usage, sewing, how to ride a bike…..you know the stuff you also teach boys

  20. People should be nice to you. People should look out for your feelings. You should be nice to others. You should look out for the feelings of others. And you should never feel unreasonable for expecting that from the people you care about.

    But, if somebody ever isn’t nice to you, or hurts your feelings, it’s on you to speak up for yourself, to say what you need, to communicate what you’d like them to do differently. You owe that to yourself and you owe that to them too.

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