My grandad said once in mid conversation with us that Wales has been moved somewhere else. In the car on the way home I asked my mom and brother how it’s been moved and my brother said something like “Did you actually believe that? Of course Wales hasn’t been moved!” in a stern voice lol. I kind of remember being genuinely confused/curious to myself how that’s possible.

  1. My grandma managed to convince me that she used to be able to slide up bannisters, Mary Poppins style.

    I was a cynical kid, but my grandma was usually very honest, so I genuinely believed she knew some sort of trick to make it look like she could.

  2. My nan used to say that if I ran the tap for too long a frog would come out. I totally believed it for far too long.

  3. I remember being around 7 and every morning one kids grandad walked us up to school and the things he had us believing.

    It all started when we had to do something for rememberance day and said grandad told us he had a leg cut off during the war but it grew back. Being kids you kind of wanted to believe it all. I still think back to some hilarious things we believed then.

    Edit: I’ve just realised it sounds just like pop’s story on the Goldbergs for Adam haha.

  4. My grandad told us he only had one thumb because when he was a kid he sucked his thumb so much it dissolved away.

    (In reality, he had to have it amputated after a splinter got infected in the days before antibiotics).

  5. My grandad could spin some yarns, let me tell you. Once had me convinced that the Earth was flat as a pancake, and we were held in by massive invisible walls. Toyed with that idea longer than I’d like to admit.

  6. my granddad used to tell me to drink more water because it’s what the lions drink. took me years to fully wrap my head around that one.

  7. My granddad told me that the large flattened areas of reeds by the side of the country roads in Anglesey were “Goonybird Nests”. For years I looked at them in wonder and hoped I’d one day see an actual Goonybird. Still haven’t, but haven’t been to Anglesey in a while.

  8. If you can put salt on a rabbit’s tail, it’d stop moving and you’d be able to catch it.

    Spent hours out the back running about with the salt shaker…

  9. My grandad said it wasn’t possible to eat chocolate until lunch had made it all the way down from your mouth to your stomach.

    He would spend the afternoon gradually pointing lower and lower down his ribcage to show how far lunch had got.

    Frustratingly lunch only ever reached the stomach just as we were about to have dinner so we never got chocolate.

    Loved my grandad.

  10. That there was dry water and wet water. Whenever we saw a waterfall or stream etc he’d ask me if it was dry water or wet water. I always earnestly told him it that of course this was wet water, while silently wondering when we’d see dry water.

  11. If I kept biting my nails horns would grow out of my head, also if I turned by belly button anti clockwise 3 times my bum would fall off. Was in my teens before I dared to test that one

  12. My grandad had a portrait of himself in a fancy olden-days outfit. The picture had a big gilt frame and looked very impressive.

    It was not him. It was a good-quality reproduction of The Laughing Cavalier. I never figured this out until I saw the painting on a documentary and laughed my ass off.

    He also told me my Nana didn’t want to marry him, but he complained to the Queen, and she made her do it. Nana was a big fan of the royals, so it seemed perfectly reasonable.

    I adored my grandad.

  13. My grandad used to hang an apple for me on a certain tree in his garden, I was adamant that apples were growing on lilac…😅

  14. My grandad told me he was 21, which led to a funny piece of work in primary school where I wrote ‘My grandad is 21 and has dentures’. The teacher commented saying how young he was lol

  15. As you grow up, don’t butt in, be quiet, observe, learn, follow, *then* prosper.

    Tbh though they should have been right but their kids fucked us.

  16. That if you pulled off a skin tag you could bleed to death.

    She also told me that Elton John’s real name was John Elton. What a weird thing to lie about

  17. Not my grandad, but the closest thing I had to one (granny’s cousin, if that helps) had just started balding when I was about five. He told me that he stood on the pier (where we were at the time) and the wind took his hair off because he’d left his hat at home. Brother and I were convinced we had to keep our hats on *just in case*.

    He’s now well into his 90s and always brings this story up when we see him. He also likes to say “I see you haven’t visited Teignmouth Pier recently” and twinkles at us.

  18. My grandad always used to eat extra strong mints. He told me that the dentist had made him special dentures that instead of teeth, had mints so all he had to do was bite one off and when they were all gone he got new dentures. Really he just didn’t want to share his mints.

    He also used to fall asleep in his chair and then tell us he wasn’t sleeping, he was inspecting his eyelids for holes.

    I miss him so much.

  19. My grandad was/is a massive storyteller. Apparently he had a cousin he was up to all sorts with as a child, took me years to realise it was a made up cousin so my cousin and I (who were really close as kids) could relate to him.

    Or he’d rub his stubbled chin on my cheeks and say he’s planting a beard on me so it’ll grow when I’m older. I’ve stolen that one and do it to my nephews and son now.

  20. My grandma used to tell me potatoes would grow behind my ears if I didn’t wash there.

    It took me until adulthood to realise she meant they’d be really dirty. I grewup wondering about ear potatoes

  21. When I was a kid I’d never seen any farm animals. We’d moved to the tropics early so I knew about that environment. Visited my grandparents and my granddad plus friend drove around the mountains. I saw cows and said omg they’re amazing.

    Without missing a beat my grandad explained the white cows made milk and the brown cows made whiskey. I happily explained this to my mother later who thought it was hilarious.

  22. That you would get nits if you kissed girls. Even at the age of 21 I was still very apprehensive around a smooch, and now as a 35 year old married man I still carry a nit comb and spray with me around the house incase of an impromptu peck off my wife. Ive yet to see any evidence published to prove this is or isnt a fake claim, so for now I’ll continue to er on the side of caution and keep my nit comb handy AT ALL TIMES

  23. My grandad said that the little clumps of tea-soaked sugar in the sugar pot were bogies.

  24. My paternal granddad would tell us kid’s he was working so not to disturb him. He had an amazingly cool study too, this big old fashioned library with a mezzanine balcony where his desk and “office” space was, overlooking the floor below. It was connected by two actual “secret passageways” (bookshelves that were doors) but this was immensely cool to us. I mean this office made doing accounting on a weekend sound amazing.

    …except he wasn’t working, but listening to Tina Turner songs.

    Still love you granddad.

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