How much differently do people treat you when you’re wearing makeup?

  1. They don’t, I’m treated the same when I’m not wearing any. Usually get compliments on my eyeshadow looks which is always nice

  2. Depends on the makeup. Mostly the only difference is that people say “I love your makeup” more when I’m wearing makeup.

  3. I only do intense goth and punk makeup, so I tend to get treated differently when I’m all done up. People are more intimidated, don’t approach me or make small talk as much, assume I’m carrying hard drugs, and security often assumes I’m up to no good.

    The nice part is that it does ward off a lot of men though.

  4. I’ve never noticed a difference. I don’t do adventurous looks, mostly BB cream and mascara if I’m doing makeup at all. Sometimes subtle shadow but haven’t noticed a difference in treatment

  5. They don’t. I mean except I will sometimes get compliments on my eyeshadow when I’m wearing it.

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