Those of you who are embarrassed about dating a particular ex, why?

  1. My ex was so trashy, but it was the first woman I brought around my family so I always defended her actions. Looking back, she was abusive and so trashy. My family was right lol.

  2. Mainly undesirable/unbecoming behaviours they had that I either made excuses for or were too blind to see at the time.

  3. Love is blind and hindsight is 20/20 😂

    Definitely dated some people that, to this day, I have no idea what I saw in them. If either personality, motivation, or intelligence was lacking, them I’m probably a little embarrassed but at least I learned a lesson.

    Glad I’m married and not worrying about it anymore that’s for sure 😅

  4. I was involved with a guy who told me he liked me because it was like kissing his sister, but okay

    we did look so much like siblings everyone who saw us together thought he’d just given in to date his sister

    and that wasn’t even the last straw for me lmao

  5. He was way too old for me omg i dont know what i was thinking. He was homeless too and refused to get a job and was a soundcloud rapper. The sad thing was that he actually was a good rapper/poet/actually talented but just made bad choices everytime. He was way too obssesed with the whole “you take care of me. A good woman builds the man” concept. I thought i was in some B movie dating this person. Everytime we hung out something bad would happen. His family was WEIRD. The dad became obsessed with me and would blow up my phone. The grandma called me a cow for no reason lmaooo

  6. Guys were never romantically interested in me, so I was happy when one said he had a crush on me. I wasn’t attracted to him, but I didn’t want to be alone anymore. He turned out to be a Catholic alcoholic furry who complained about everything and tried to make me feel bad about choices he made.

  7. I’m a very independent person, always have been and always will be. I dated a guy for 3.5 years, and the type of love where you have nothing left for yourself because you put them first in literally and figuratively every possible way. He ended up cheating on me and it woke me up and I was done with him. I’m important too.

    I’m now happily married to a man that puts me first and I put him first but we also leave room to tend to ourselves. I’m embarrassed because I wasn’t me for 3.5 years, I was losing myself and it made me cling to that relationship harder because I’d put so much into it. Nobody who knows me would ever think that would ever happen to me because of how independent and no bullshit I am as a person. I’m not afraid to speak up in almost any situation, but I was killing myself internally to make him the happiest man I could and it still wasn’t enough.

  8. She became a Trump supporter. She started becoming bat shit crazy after he won the primary and believed his bullshit cons. Ick.

  9. The only one I could say I’m embarrassed of.. married someone so much older than me when I was young and stupid. And although I don’t regret it. It was kind of wrong.. and pretty manipulative.
    And since then I do tend to feel a certain type of way about older men that date young women half their age.

  10. I’m embarrassed because I was way too immature in that relationship and really only dated him because I wanted to be in a relationship and he was a friend, not because I actually liked him romantically though I thought so back then. We also clearly had incompatibilities, and I didn’t handle those well. In general, I just handled the last few months of the relationship very poorly, including borderline emotional cheating.

    I’m not embarrassed because of who he was/is, I’m embarrassed because of my own behavior in that relationship. At least I grew and learned from it

  11. He was not intelligent and behaved like a fuckboy. He also wore a way too large leather jacket to act tough and manly that just looked as if he stole it from someone and put it on his slim and small body.

  12. Because I was 14 and he was 27. At the time I thought I was cool shit because all the other girls in my year were really jealous that I had an older boyfriend who had money and a car. Now, looking back, I can see how dumb and naive I was, and just how badly I was groomed. I try to be kind to myself because I was just a child but still.

  13. One of them is now an anti-Semite flat earther hardcore fundie Christian, so I’m pretty embarrassed about that.

    The other would only wear Hawaiian shirts, regardless of the temperature outside. He went by “Hawaiian Ryan”. I’m glad we dated for less than a month. 😅

  14. I’m embarrassed for people to find out that my ex is 18 years older than me and I had just turned 20 when I met him. He was my first boyfriend and my first serious relationship. Now that I am older, I realize how disgusting our relationship actually was.

  15. Where to begin? My most regretful though was one that was way too old for me and definitely took advantage of my youth, that seems to be a recurring theme based on the comments so far.
    Who else? Let’s see. The guy who turned out to be married. The guy who drugged me literally the first time he ever met me. The guy who thought he could play around with other people then save me for when he wanted to settle down. The guy who woke me up in the middle of the night to play his acoustic guitar cover of a drake song?? That one might be too much for your ears.
    See this is why I don’t date much.

  16. He asked me out, and I wanted to tell him no at first, but he pushed so hard that I eventually said yes. I didn’t even like him that much, and he also tried to push me into having sex with him.

  17. Oh yay, let’s take a trip down the memory lane containing all my poor choices!

    He was old enough to be my father. I liked him but I was embarrassed about photos of us together so I actually set my FB settings to make it look like I was posting pictures of us together to all my friends but really it was just shared with me, him, and like 3 mutual friends.

    I would be mortified if some guy went to those lengths because he was embarrassed to have pics of us together yet here I was doing it to someone else. Awful. Bad choice in dude and even worse behavior on my part. And it’s not like I was some naive teenager or college kid he was taking advantage of. I was 30 damn years old LOL.

  18. I ignored his social media on purpose. In my experience, looking at my partner’s instagram, facebook, twitter, etc. was triggering because I’d fall into a rabbit hole and stalk them from here to mars. Well, when I lost tons of respect and love for him after he repeatedly abused me, I finally opened my eyes to his accounts for the first time. He would keep his embarrassing postings about satanism (cringe) up and overall he was one of those people who carried absolutely no shame. You shouldn’t care about what others think, but when you post racist memes and post about your ex shamelessly you’re a walking clown.

  19. He was really two faced. He was the sweetest to me(not in a grooming way, truly sweet), but a trashy morron to the rest of the world.

    Back then I thought I saw the real him and the idiot was just a personage.

    Now I’m older I don’t separate both sides, since you choose to be both. He IS both, and I should judge both.

    I struggle with how everybody talks about how rude he was at at this, or how he exploited that. Nobody sees the guy I fell for, and I don’t want to look like the girl who fell for that…

  20. He was a hoarder, had a history with addiction to various things, had zero financial literacy, had mommy issues, was selfish, couldn’t communicate, was scared of commitment, had a history of cheating… and yet I thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. I got the rose tinted glasses ripped right off when he left me for a married woman. I’m so embarrassed for myself to have seen anything in him at all.

  21. He just wanted to hook up and I wanted more than that. Also he looks like an egg and acts like piece of trash

  22. He wore a fedora and that’s all we need to know, really.

    But, he also never respected my boundaries, and at 16/17 I just didn’t know better, and thought that’s how it was supposed to be. Worst thing too was, some of my boundaries were only because I was so scared of my dad walking in on us or finding out what we were up to, but I also was buried in guilt because I liked the things we did together. They made me feel good. But clearly I shouldn’t have been enjoying anything remotely sexual (coming from an extremely Christian home and family). I felt so nasty and dirty but couldn’t bring myself to really want to stop.

    He said on multiple occasions that, as long as it wasn’t sex, it was totally okay, which made me terrified of sex for years after that. I’m still not able to do certain things because I just feel so guilty, like I’m doing it all wrong and even wanting to do those things is not allowed.

    Towards the end of that relationship I was depressed all the time, pretty much every time we talked I would cry because I was so conflicted, he would tell me I can’t feel that way because so many other people have it worse than I do.

    He “tested” me on things like how soon I would text him “I love you” or shit like that. We wrote letters back and forth in a journal he bought us and he had this weird complex with me trying to make him cry by writing something so sweet, because he was “incapable of crying.”

    I broke it off with him after he refused to stop texting me the week my grandfather died, and his mom said that he stopped eating for a week straight. 2 weeks later he had another girlfriend, which I found out on his Facebook with him saying some shit like “I’m so lucky, I’ve been waiting to date this girl for years.” Super creepy and also, wow dude, glad you really wanted her the whole time we were together.

    He asked for every single gift he ever gave me back to he could give them all to his current girlfriend.

    As far as I know, he’s out of my life for good, and good riddance to him.

  23. A particular one? More like all of them. They all were a waste of my time and I can’t think of a positive effect any of them had on my life.

  24. He’s a homophobic, makes rape jokes, is a toxic alpha male. He’s a walking talking red flag
    Dk what i saw in him !

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