Last 10 matches or so where the woman triggered the match only 2 of them actually messaged.

So I went ahead and messaged (I guess no matter what the guy is supposed to initiate right?). Only 2 responded. I frequently start with a greeting and then a question about how their weekend or week went. Each responded with a generic “oh pretty good” without specifics. I then tell them how my week or weekend went, something along the lines of “I’m glad to hear yours was great! Mine was alright went to a birthday party and did some cleaning etc”

Both said they love hiking. So I mentioned I planned on going on a hike to this beautiful lake in the near future, asked if they ever been there and…convo dies.

Last 10 or so matches I triggered pretty similar story, I start with a greeting and ask how they are doing and if I’m lucky enough for them to respond they respond once a day or once every several days a few times then…dead.

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