I’m experiencing a strange issue.
When I wear a standard condom generally, there is an inch to an inch and a half, between where the base of the condom is and the base of my mister. The condoms are a bit smothering and when I remove it there is a noticeable red line because it is gripping to tightly. Though it’s not terrible it’s just noticeably too small. So I thought “oh ok I’ll try magnum.” (Magnum BareSkin if that helps)
Then it was the opposite issue it fit totally fine on the base. Nice and snug, but not too tight and covered everything well which is good. Though towards the top, it was slightly too big. a mild wrinkling from excess rubber.

Has anyone else had this issue? I wish they made a magnum called magnum inbetweeners or something lol.
If this is an issue you have what brand do you purchase and what has fit you well?

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