You guys I need advice. I am in a happy marriage but our sex drive difference is really getting to me. We have kids and a great life but my GOSH. My drive is could go a couple times a day where as my husband is a couple times a month. We are the same age (late twenties). It is really really starting to drive me crazy. I also don’t have a great self image in my own opinion. I own that my thoughts on myself are my own. But it’s hard not to feel worse when I am throwing myself at this man and he doesn’t reciprocate. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. Do I get toys? We have been together 12 years and been friends since elementary school the man’s drive won’t change. What would you do?

To add, sex is very important to me emotionally and physically. He knows when my attitude has grown and says “oh I know what you need” and I always feel better after but like do I just always have an attitude?!?! I’ve tried to get him into more… fun… things as well and I just don’t think they are for him. I feel bad turning down BJ’s because I really do love giving them but then I know I won’t be getting anything anytime soon so I have to ignore those advances. I just feel completely sexually frustrated. I’ve never bought or used toys but I feel like that may be my only option. My mind is very beginner when it comes to my own body so the thought of toys makes me nervous.

TLDR: My sex drive is very high compared to his. What alternatives would you do? Cheating is not an option.

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