Sorry for any grammar mistakes in advance. I am very upset as I write this.

So, my (25F) brother 27 (M) recently started to date this girl 23(F), let’s call her Ria about 3 months ago. Well, about a month ago Ria started to come over to my house more and more and eventually started to sleep over. It started off as just a Saturday sleepover that turned into a Friday and Saturday then to a Thursday- Saturday etc until eventually she was basically living at my house Thursday through Tuesday. Well, I had no qualms about her initially but essentially living in my house without permission has been extremely draining as she uses my things, is very loud at odd hours, rude, etc. I recently contacted my parents, who are the homeowners about 2 weeks ago and they let Ria and my brother know she is only allowed to sleep over during the weekends strictly. That was last week Friday. Well, it is now Thursday of the next week or more accurately 1 am on Friday morning and Ria is once again here and looks as though she is planning to sleep over. My parents are very fed up with this situation as am I.

I spoke to Ria directly multiple times explaining to her that this was my home and place to relax and that I am not comfortable with her living here. Her response was to tell me that since her BF (my brother) is fine with it that she “cant argue with that”. Despite this and very clear expectations and rules my brother along with his very shameless gf continue to do whatever this is. I went over to his room which is right next to mine just now and asked Ria to leave telling my brother that rules are rules and it is 12am and it is time for her to leave. The rules, to be clear, are that Ria is only allowed to sleepover on Saturday but may come over until 12 am on weekdays. but after 12 she needs to leave. How do I get her to leave and respect the rules? I have never had to deal with this level of shamelessness and entitlement from a stranger before although I am used to this type of behavior from my brother.

I also want to mention that I can not leave my parents house currently as I am between jobs. My brother makes over 6 figures and can easily leave the home as well as use his funds to hangout with Ria elsewhere. It is not as though he does not have options. I have even tried to compromise by offering him the room downstairs that has been fully renovated by me so that there is some separation between us so that I don’t have to hear them be loud and so that Ria stops touching my things. I also know who this girls mother is as well as her work place but I don’t know if I should involve those parties. At this point I am at the end of my rope and desperately need advice. Thank you.


TLDR: Brothers gf essentially lives at my house and refuses to follow rules of not coming over to my house all the time.

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