Would you feel offended or give them the benefit of doubt??

  1. The first thing I would think is that maybe they don’t have the time that the conversation requires, especially if it’s something important. I wouldn’t be offended because sometimes I’ve also left close people on “seen”.

  2. First thing I’d think would be that they’re busy with work or their kids depending on what time I sent the message. Could also be tired, maybe under the weather so they’ll get back to me whenever they can and that’s fine.

  3. “Must be busy.”

    Life happens. I’m not sitting around staring at my phone 24/7, and I don’t expect my friends to be either.

  4. Depends how long it’s been. When I’ve had people send me important stuff I usually take time to respond. And because I don’t want to accidentally hit send I write it out on my notes app. If it’s important stuff, and this goes double for heavy stuff, I want to make sure that I get my thoughts straight. I’m a verbal processor so I end up typing out many paragraphs just rambling at a certain point. I’m able to cut it down when I respond to the person and instead of saying 90% nonsense that doesn’t apply, I say things relevant.

    If it’s been less than a couple hours, I wouldn’t worry. They might be at work or with family or someone else. If you sent the message sometime this afternoon (at least it’s afternoon in the US) I would wait until you get up tomorrow. Then I would reach out to them and tell them that their lack of response hurt you. If it is a close friend, then they should understand. If they get mad that you said that then they probably aren’t as close as you think. Source: my best friend would get upset at me for that stuff. But then my husband got a job and a dude worked there who she didn’t agree with politically and she dropped me. She never met this man but he was an internet figure so it was easy to find info on him

  5. Depends on what I sent, why I sent it, and whether I have any reason to assume they have the time, energy, availability, or expectation to respond. If I need someone’s attention or response for something I will ask first if they have the space to do that right now.

  6. I probably wouldn’t even know, because I have “read receipts” turned off on everything. I have no interest or need to know when people have read messages. Meh.

    If it’s something important I’ll follow up and if it’s genuinely urgent, then I’ll call. Otherwise I’m just getting on with my life. I don’t reply instantly to most messages either, so it’d be pretty rude of me to except others to do something that I don’t.

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