I was a golden child for a while due to my education and career prospects. Those dreams were dashed when I had a psychotic break last year, but thankfully I’ve retained my job. One of the outcomes was that I moved back into my parents house for safety reasons (not financial) and have been trying to stop drinking completely (I was successful for 6+ months but not anymore). I work full time and am also pursuing a masters degree, along with various hobbies, taking care of my pets, etc. My dad is an alcoholic and I know this sounds so stupid but my parents agreed that while I lived at home they wouldn’t drink. I believed them based on how shook up they were about my mental health condition. Also important context is I’ve offered to pay rent more times than I can count. Pay my own way for everything else other than rent and utilities, so food, car stuff, phone, entertainment subscriptions, etc. I’m paying for.

Anyway, he gets pretty wasted most nights, blasting music and being the annoying drunk that everyone has probably encountered. He doesn’t remember things we say, doesn’t remember movie plots, is loud, eats food that doesn’t belong to him… it just never ends.

A few months ago my dad came home and said “wow look at this squatter,” I guess trying to make fun of me in a passive aggressive way. I responded with “haha, yeah this is my house now,” trying to play along but honestly neither of us had a playful vibe, like I said it was passive aggressive. He said “I don’t remember you ever paying for anything” and I said “I’ve offered like a dozen times.”

He clearly didn’t like that considering he brought the topic up again the next day. I wouldn’t normally joke like that except in response to his stupid joke, also he never gets caught up on of the things that I say. He said that he doesn’t remember me ever offering to pay rent and to be honest, why would I offer TO him? He doesn’t manage shit around the house, my mother has arranged all the finances and basically everything since before I was born. All he does is go to work, come home, drink, and repeat.

Part of me thinks the change is that his health conditions are changing? Like, is he actually worried that he’s going to die and I’ll take their house? The real truth is I won’t inherit much of anything if they died.

Is he upset by a lack of respect? It would be kind of late for that, I lost respect for him a while ago.

Anyway I’m just confused that AFTER ALL THESE YEARS he’s randomly upset by something I’ve said after being emotionally unavailable for so long.

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