Not much backstory, we live in same neighborhood, were in same school, same grade (2 guys and me). And now another guy from our old school has become close in our group. There has always been some competition amongst us who was better in what, and I never trusted them with anything personal that they could use against me. Conversations are out and out toxic, like they want to impress the others in the group at the cost of one. Everytime they try and pick a fight with me. We all play a video game and sort of have an agreement to not take another guy’s players. I call dibs on a guy and one of these who used to be my neighbor has taken him too. After the event we would need him came he sneakily uses my player in his team and now starts him. Another guy just bought my player from the market. Like I have used that player against him and he has the balls to get him in his team and expects me not to react. When they lose to me they play it down and say no it was a warm up match, and make other excuses. When I literally have crap internet connection and can barely play and they win, a tiny win they make look like I suck at the game and bring up everytime. All 3 of them are alike and team up in this aspect. In private chat they talk like they are helpless and want my help. On the group chat they out and out insult me and act like they are some big person and deserve respect. Ofc I fight but this happens for each and every situation. By not giving respect they think they think they become more respectable. I know they are validation seeking dumbfucks but I’m honestly tired of this.

  1. If you dont stand up and respect yourself, they wont.
    If you cant respect yourself, dont expect them to respect yoy.
    Stand your ground and call them out on their bullshit.
    If it just gets worse, maybe it’s for the better you dont play with them.

  2. You have to cut them off. Every time I’ve run into people like this, there’s no way you’re going to change them.

  3. They sound like teenage cavemen. Exerting their power that nobody really cares about. Most guys outgrow this, though it’s annoying at the time. It’s just a game, so try some subtle payback moves yourself.

  4. Best course of action for all of you would be to grow up. I mean, unless you’re 12. That is some absurdly childish behaviour going on there and if you feel like you’re more mature then them, why would you hang with them?

  5. Stop reacting. Move forward without them. They aren’t your friends bruh. They’re scared of you and puffing their chest up to dominate you at any possible moment so they feel better about themselves. LEAVE THEM ALONE.


    My reply comment is filled with extra stuff that may be of interest and useful, reddit didnt want a long ass comment so i had to split it.


    They’re insecure. And they exhibit abusive behavior.

    In any case, the best option you can probably muster is being matter of fact and just stopping their bullshit as soon as they say it. When they say “haha you won but it doesnt matter, my controller sucks” or whatever stupid ass excuse they give, you say “lol, dude I beat your ass cuz you suck at the game (or suck using whatever player), not because you’re controller is broken”. They try to write a false narrative and you correct it. They say the sky is red, you say ” uh, not sure what planet you live on but that sky is blue, bud, maybe see the doctor about that”. Make them realize they are wrong, and that you know they’re wrong, try to add some humor to it if you want to keep them as friends. You can try to get onto their level of the field and be like them, you’ll get less shit and have some fun with them instead of at them, like they’re having at you. (Laugh with them not at them mentality). This can still backfire like I mentioned above, they could still continue to be underhanded little shits and act like stealing your character isn’t a big deal even if you had a discussion and agreement about it.


    Pay attention to their bullshit, use it against them. Speak reality as it is, not the one they try to write. You’ll find shitheads like that all throughout life, in every space, even where they have no business being. Might as well figure out how to deal with them now, speak truth, speak reality, dont let them write your reality. (Also known as gaslighting). And when you all have an agreement that they go back on, bring it up and call them out on it. Be fair, but don’t let them get away with being unfair.

  7. Dude they are not your friends. Moreover they are insecure af and have no problem with abusing others to feel better about themselves.


    The sooner you move on and never look back, the better off you are. Fuck all of them, they are trash human beings

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