I (44f) recently had sex with a (38m) I went on a few dates with this evening. This was the first time I had sex with him and it was mind blowing. We had sex twice and I noticed that as he was cumming his body would jerk pretty violently. I’ve had quite a few partners and haven’t experienced that before.

Just wondering if that’s normal and is it a good reaction?

  1. I have also experienced this with a man of the same age, hopefully it isnt the same one

  2. You blew his mind and he really enjoyed himself. You go girl keep up the good work!

  3. I only jerk and spasm when I orgasm.

    Sometimes I cum and it isn’t great, it’s just an expulsion of bodily fluids, other times I say I actually orgasmed and it’s mind melting and body jerking.

    The guy had a good time and didn’t just cum.

  4. Think of the Cock as a Cannon fired by gears and electricity, it needs you to charge batteries up full for the cumm to fire by making the gears gett tigher an tigher,then by releasing all that stored Electricity all at once , you loosen all the gears making cum Shooot.BUT Sometimes, if you make to much, go into the battery’s.. The electricity spills over and makes nearby Gears Go haywire

  5. It’s normal for me. My body jerks uncontrollably, I convulse and shake and my muscles often continue to contract for minutes after I orgasm. I tend to warn people before our first time how hard I cum because they are often caught off guard. I love how intense my orgasms are and wouldn’t change them for anything.

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