I started dating my boyfriend a little shy of three months ago. At first he was coming to see me every other day waking up at a reasonable time and having proper conversations with me. About two weeks after we were official he took me on a date and it was perfect, he was so good to me. Since then his visits are rare, he doesn’t hardly text me back and if he does it’s 10-20 minute wait. We do work separate schedules I work 5am-1pm and he works 10pm-7am but he stays up mostly while I’m at work and can’t talk to him. I’ve tried talking to him about it a million times and he always accuses me of trying to argue when I’m just trying to express my feelings to him. I’ve asked him to show me more love and affection and he always says he does but can’t give me specific examples of how. I don’t want to break up with him because he is a good guy and I’m used to being with toxic people that were abusive in every way. I don’t know what to do. I’ve told him that I would like to be loved in the ways that I can understand, and he just brushes it off. Am I being too unreasonable by wanting him to take me on dates, see me more often than once a week and consider me more?

For context of what I do for him: I try my best to show him how much I love him. I cook for him every time I’m able to, most of the time it’s not only for him but his whole family, mom and sisters. I have gotten him hoodies and jackets because I seen them and knew he would love them. I called and tracked down a new liquor he had been talking about since we started dating. I stay with him on the weekends and take care of his son while he sleeps

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