I m17 have not really had laddie problems, well at least in getting with them and I have been taking better care of myself and wrestling so I’m kinda jacked now which has made it even easier. This all sounds good and trust me I’m greatful to be able to pull I feel bad for friends I know and other stories I read about people having no dating experience until much older. Here’s ther problem tho it’s gotten to a point were I’ve been with so many people goof looking and less than that some of which who have cheated on me, made life damaging accusations, and hurt me in other ways that now I can’t really be happy with anyone. I believe part of it has to do with I am on a really heavy diet trying to drop a few weight classes and get abs for summer which has cause everything to feel stale probably a sign of depression but it’s really weird girls that I used to find attractive I just see the flaws and girls I still find attractive just don’t seem pretty in the way they used to. It also messes up the closer parts like the high of a new relationship only last a few days now and I have trouble opening up to the person I’m dating and to other people about the fact I’m in a relationship. For example right now a very attractive and very nice lady is into me and I like her but I just feel like I can’t like her as much as she likes me and I feel like no girl is good enough anymore like I used to settle and now my standards are too high she doesn’t seem ad pretty as she should I feel like I find more flaws that are really real and I don’t want to show any affection in public anymore and it dosent matter who I’m with but what leads to anouther issue is can’t can’t take a break from dating because a girls love and validation is kinda my only feeling of self worth or confidence and so idk my problem might be dumb and idk if I make sense but it’s just like long story short dating has become very stale and idk how to fix it and before that one person chimes in I am definitely not gay or confused in that way

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