My friend and I went out last weekend for drinks. We went to a few different bars and then went to a bar that acts as a small club. When we were out we saw one of my girlfriends friends. I’ve only met her twice and it was a while ago and don’t really know much about her apart from the fact she broke up with her boyfriend around 6 months ago.

Her and my friend hit it off and got on well. He ended up leaving with her and they went back to his. I then went home and the next morning tell my girlfriend what happened. She then asks if I’m serious and mentions that her friend had recently gotten back with her boyfriend. I mention that I had no idea and she was definitely acting single when she was out.

My girlfriend then calls my friend sleazy for getting with someone in a relationship. I point out her friend is the cheat here and that my friend had no idea she wasn’t single. The next day her friend messages her to say her boyfriend found out she cheated and has left her. My girlfriend then tells me and still blames my friend.

I just repeat that her friend is the cheat and I think it’s a red flag she’s defending her while insulting my friend for doing nothing wrong. She just said I should be agreeing with her and that my friend was in the wrong but I just repeat that her friends the cheat and it’s her fault entirely that her relationship is over. How would you handle this?

tl;dr my girlfriend called my friend sleazy for hooking up with her friend who was in a relationship despite him thinking she was single. When I defended him and said her friend had herself to blame for her relationship ending my girlfriend said I was out of order and should be agreeing with her. How would you handle this?

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