So I went on a date with someone I matched with

They first start talking about my weight and how I am so skinny and fatter in my pictures and how I need an ass and must weigh 3 stone.

Instead of sitting opposite me in the restaurant, he comes and sits next to me, like squeezes next to me.

Then they tried to kiss me 10 mins after eating at a restaurant and I pushed him away and said “we are in a restaurant.” Then he started to hold my hands etc etc. Then he tried to kiss me again outside and I pushed him away and told him “you are way too intense for me.”

He seemed to not get the picture because after we went to a bar and he tried to kiss me again and again and I just let it happen because I didn’t know what else to do. And he would run his hands through my hair and everything.

Am I being dumb or is this just not normal behaviour , given that I rejected him twice.

He wants to meet me again bizarrely

Edit: thank you all so much for your replied. I will try to reply individually throughout the day. I’m inexperienced with dating so I struggle to know what’s normal or what’s just me being weird . Thank u for the book recommendations and all your support ❤️

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