My gf and I have been dating for 4 months now and known each other for a little over a year. Things are amazing when we’re together. We joke, laugh and simply mesh well. Things go a bit sideways when other girls are involved. I grew up with a single parent and my mom raised me for all my life. I’ve always had girls as friends growing up. However we always argue about it. I had a girl best friend who I had set boundaries with and depart myself from her because my gf hated it. It would throw her into these spirals of anxiety where she would be crying and not getting any sleep. I didn’t want to see her like that so I slowly started moving away from my best friend. She understood and wished me well on my relationship. We talk here and there but not as often. Fast forward to a month ago my coworker posted a series of photos on her instagram and one of them was in gym clothes, I didn’t think much of it at the time hit like and went about my day. We do have a group chat with coworkers and the girl whose picture I liked sent a TikTok (mind you there is multiple people in this chat) and my gf saw her name. She asked who it was I told her, showed her the group chat and the TikTok cause I have nothing to hide. She got a bit upset and went about the day. A day later she calls me crying and says she searched her up and saw I liked that photo and made a big deal of it. I told her that I was sorry because I didn’t realize it would bother her that much and she cried about it. She said it was disrespectful and to not do it. I unliked the photo and started distancing myself from the work group as well. Fast forward to now and I was put on a project for work.. however I have to work alongside closely with said co worker. I told my gf what was going to happen and she started crying again and said she didn’t feel comfortable but to do what I wanted. I feel like whatever I do I can’t make it work and it’s draining me. I feel like I have to pass up on this project because I can’t work with someone because of my gf. How far will this go and am i enabling by trying to make her feel comfortable?

TL;DR: LTR gets insecure and is starting to make me feel distant.

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