I am a 32/F and my boyfriend is 35/M. I am currently 5 1/2 months pregnant. We’ve been together on & off for about 6 years now. For the past year our relationship has been steady. We sleep next to each other like every night. But he barely wants to have sex. It’s always once a month if that & he gets him and that’s it. He loves oral but doesn’t return the same energy. It’s been years since I received that from him. When we have sex he doesn’t moan but he does finish. I’ve never had a problem with this in any of my other relationships. I often feel ugly, rejected and sad because of this. I am begged by men daily for dates, etc but i turn them down for my boyfriend which makes me feel like maybe something’s wrong with me. He loves to drink & party with his friends, by the time he calls me to come over or he comes to my house. He goes to sleep and the cycle starts again. I don’t know how much more I can take. since getting pregnant my sex drive has been so high, i keep myself clean, upkept but to no avail. I’ve offered us to do adventurous things outside the bedroom but he doesn’t budge. He seems to be more excited talking to friends and family but when I’m around he’s going to sleep. I am tired of having to please myself and feel life is too short to keep living this way. It’s been like this for years now & i don’t think things will change. I’m just so torn on what to do because I love him but feel I’m rotting away.

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