Man all I want is a friend or someone I can love that
1. Doesn’t hate me for who I am
2. Want me to change to be like her ex
3. Hit me
4. Damage my mental enough that I don’t even want to talk anymore
5. Make fun of me

Like is that to hard to ask
Let me know cause I’m lost

  1. f17. im really sorry, you must’ve met some really bad people before. no one deserves being hit and manipulated. i really hope you’re in a better place now. many girls are not that complicated, it’s more about how you carry yourself. in recent years, i found myself being attracted to people who are kind and respectful, and i tried my best to treat them well. maybe changing your perspective on yourself and (perspective on) dating might help you. i know it’s easier said than done, but there definitely are good people out there.

  2. Your points all point to the fact that you have been in a social circle that is unhealthy. You should abandon all these girls you know and start interacting with a completely different circle.

    All of those behaviors are things you would know pretty quickly, so that you are under the impression that it is common means it is common among the circles you interact with.

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