I hope I explain this clearly. Almost 27F and never been in a relationship. I’m not as insecure about this than when I was in my early 20s but I’m realizing I push away and distrust people when they do show interest in me.

Basically my logic is this: no one’s ever liked me (enough to be in a relationship) so why would someone like me now? And I mainly say this bc I think I have a great personality and wonderful friends, but I’m not conventionally attractive – I have average looks that come with facial quirks (asymmetry, moles) which I know everyone has but mine are definitely more prominent.

How do I get over this way of thinking? Any advice?
I had a great childhood/parents but people are always talking about childhood Trauma and pinpointing back to how they were raised, but isn’t there also just “trauma” from the experience of life as an adult (mine being never having romantic interest from the opposite sex).

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