My wife and I just had an argument. We are on long distance marriage. We were having argument about time for each other.

For the past month, I’ve been sacrificing my sleep (she is 16 hours ahead) so that we can talk during the weekdays. One month later I couldn’t sacrifice my sleep anymore and told her that it’s her turn. She was okay with it and that she would adjust her sleeping schedule.

Last night 4/6 I told her to sleep early and wake up early (3am her time). She didn’t do just that. I was started being moody. When she was getting ready for her OJT I had a frustrated facial expression. She said “why? okay I’ll just skip for today”. for the first 10 mins I keep telling her don’t do that because she only has a few weeks left then it will be her graduation. After 20 mins I shouted “Get ready for your OJT!”.

Before I yelled I knew what I was getting into. I would rather have her hate me for yelling rather than having the feeling of her not graduating because she skipped a day on her OJT for me. Now I feel like an ass.

Right away I apologized to her. What are your guys’ thoughts?

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