I was staying at my BF’s place last week from Sunday to Wednesday. He got sick last Tuesday. Feeling fatigued and all that. I took care of him the whole day and overnight. I make sure he take meds on time, I wiped his body with a damp cloth, put damp towel on his forehead so that his fever will subside.

Come Wednesday morning, he’s feeling all better. We even manage to go to the store to buy a new mattress foam. By this time, I said I need to go home and I will just take the bus, he don’t have to drive me home and he can just rest. I need to go home because I need to work on Thursday and Friday. He knows I have work those days. He insistend on driving me home.

Come Friday morning, I was already in my apartment, I was feeling sick as well. My body feels sore and head and throat hurts. And he was sick too. His eyes were all red and irritated. At first we thought it was sore eyes but good thing it’s not.

I was still not feeling well. And I keep on checking on him via text how he’s doing. He’s not sending me messages unless I do it first. He said I don’t have to worry about him as he can take care of himself and he’s taking the meds that’s why he brought them. So I said “Okay, just update me whenever you feel like it.” And then I proceeded to rest.

I woke up around 2am this Saturday morning and not a single message from him. Last time we spoke is at 8pm Friday. I expected a message maybe saying he’s feeling a little better or anything. He worked night shift so I assume he’s up because he didn’t call in sick. I asked why he hasn’t send any text messages. He was on his phone scrolling anyway, maybe sending a message would not be that hassle. And then he proceeded to blurt out if only I knew what he was going through, that he can’t even get up.

I told him I was asking him how he was and just flat out told me not to worry.
He said he expected I’ll be stepping up and take care of him. That he is now questioning if this kind of relationship is for him.
That he was just pressured last Wednesday to be feel well because “I was dying of going home” because I have work on Thursday and Friday. He said that it was expected of me to take care of him when he’s sick since we’re in a relationship.

I told him that he’s being manipulative. He expects me to drop everything in me to take care of him when he was already feeling better when I left last Wednesday. I told him had I known he want me to still be there, I should’ve pick my laptop at home and asked for work from home setup and gone back to his place. We lived an hour and a half away from each other. He said that those things are not needed to be said. I told him he need to say it since we don’t live together and I don’t know what’s on his mind.

I told him that if he is questioning his relationship with me just because I was not able to take care of him this time, then it’s fine with me. He can just tell me what his decision will be.

And now I’m blocked everywhere and I don’t know how to go from here.

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