We hungout for 3-4 months last year and it’s the first time I (25F) got to really explore sex (before this, I only had it a few times). It also made me realize that I had a high libido and how important sexual compatability can be.

We recently reconnected (we just talked, haven’t done anything else) and the topic of sex came up and I asked him if he wants to do stuff (in general). He wasn’t really keen on having it anymore because “when he was in a relationship with his ex, he was having a lot of sex and he had fun then”. His ex was from several years ago. He said he doesn’t even remember the sex we had.

When me and him were actually talking last year, we obviously had sex multiple times and I’m under the general impression that if you’re having it enough with someone anyway, that you both are into it. I don’t know why but my ego felt sorta hurt by this because I personally loved doing sexual stuff with him. Any advice? Do I have a fragile ego for this LOL

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